No End in Sight

Robert Roth plumbs the depths of sexual harassment, sexual aberration, sexual deprivation, and more, as only Robert can, wandering off point as fancy takes him before swooping back to the central topic. As the title suggests, this is a topic that flows and continues beyond the termination of a single book. Any conclusions are necessarily based on incomplete data.

In No End in Sight, you meet the usual suspects (Brett, Kevin, Bill, Jeffrey, Harvey, Donald, on and on), but Robert includes a wider, lesser known cast garnered from personal experience. His dissection of the Anna Stubblefield case towards the end of the book is particularly instructive. You’ll face difficult questions. What is unwanted sexual contact? Where are the borderlines for rape and assault? What happens when men are the victims? What happens when a gay man turns out to be a nasty individual? What’s wrong with prostitution, S&M, and other forms of consensual sex? Is sex ever okay in a therapist-client situation?

As a bonus, the book opens with The Rage of Aquarius, Robert’s previously published ode to his good friend Herb Perr, followed by “The Nihilist,” a poem by Louise Rader.

You won’t always agree with Robert, but you’ll have an interesting journey and learn to consider these matters from other vantage points.

Robert Roth, No End in Sight, And Then Press, 2022.
Available on Amazon.

Robert Perron